Completed 2024 National Groundwater Systems

Image of water tank in a dry golden landscape

The National Groundwater Systems project improved understanding of Australia’s groundwater resources to better support responsible groundwater management and secure groundwater resources into the future.

The project developed new national coverages to constrain groundwater systems and improved data standards and workflows of groundwater assessment. 

Through a phased inventory of Australia’s groundwater systems in onshore basins, this project standardised datasets and information, including principal aquifers and key groundwater dependent assets. The project has developed a national understanding of groundwater systems that integrates available geoscience data and emerging technologies to better characterise and manage groundwater supply across vast areas of arid Australia.

Web-based delivery, visualisation and analysis of hydrogeological information complements the work of groundwater authorities and improves the accessibility of groundwater science and data for communities and decision-makers.

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Area of focus for continental-scale projects

What we did

The National Groundwater Systems project was divided into 3 research areas designed to undertake the following project activities:


Project outputs are available on this page and the Exploring for the Future Data Discovery Portal.


Geoscience Australia acknowledges all landholders and communities who support our work in rural, regional and remote Australia. 

Geoscience Australia staff engaging with communities

Important community information

Geoscience Australia is committed to land, air and marine access best practice and to protecting cultural heritage and the environment. 

We thank the people and communities who collaborate with us to ensure the success of the Exploring for the Future program. 

Geoscience Australia activities are not undertaken on behalf of any exploration company; we work for the benefit of all Australians.

All data produced by Geoscience Australia, including the data from this project, is publicly available after quality assurance has been performed. 

For more information or general enquiries, please email


Program 2020-24

The Exploring for the Future program (2020–24) focused on 8 interrelated projects, united in growing our understanding of Australia's geology.

Three deep-dive projects in potentially resource-rich corridors identified in the east and west of Australia: Darling–Curnamona–Delamerian, Officer–Musgrave–Birrindudu and Barkly–Isa–Georgetown projects. 

Three national projects with a focus on southern Australia: Australia’s Resources Framework, National Groundwater Systems and Australia’s Future Energy Resources projects.

Program support
Two program support projects: Enhanced Data Delivery and Geoscience Knowledge Sharing projects.